Welcome friends and family! This is our blog - to share with you our trials and tribulations - and - our joys - join us on our journey on what we are calling, "Operation Make Fallon Baby"!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Week 23

Well, here's its been a few weeks again since I posted any pictures. As I've told people, my photographer has been traveling and we just haven't gotten to it. In the meantime, I do have some photos (and one awesome video) to post from our appointment yesterday. The boys continue to grow at record speeds and the doctor gave me kudos for working full time while battling my headaches an growing these babies!
Some milestones over the past few weeks?
- At week 21 or so at 5 p.m. one night while I was working just a little bit late awaiting my handsome husbands arrival to pick me up, I felt movement for the first time. It was a very distinct feeling. Nothing on the outside but it was definitley more than a "fluttering" feeling. More like a twing, a muscle spasm that lasted a few seconds or more. Needless to say, this was VERY exciting!
- At almost week 23 (December 28th at 3 a.m.) I felt movement for the first time on the outside!! How would I know? Well, I had been extremely sick on Monday due to a nasty migraine, so I ended up in bed at 8 a.m......hello 2 a.m. WIDE awake. I laid around for a bit, and then it happened. "What was that"? I said to myself......"hum, that felt really weird". I waited a little longer, and it was still happening. So I put my hand down on the side of my belly, and I felt KICKS!!! Baby B was partying like a rockstar at 3 a.m.!!! So, what would a good, kind, patient, understanding wife do knowing her husband was exhausted and sound asleep? Wait to tell him in the morning. Well, have to say, I am not any of those things because I reached right over and was poking and prodding, "honey!! The baby's moving! It's kicking!!!" He whips off his mask (sexy I know) and all disoriented says, "What, where?!" And here comes this big heavy hand over my body and clamps on my belly. Then, nothing.....I thought, "Oh no....I woke him for this and now the baby is going to stop kicking and he'll fall asleep again before he can feel it". All of a sudden he goes, "I FELT IT!!" It was such an exciting moment for us and I am so thankful that we were together for it the first time. I could have been at work or in the shower and he could have missed it. As it turns out, he was very thankful I woke him.
- So, then at the doctor yesterday, we were telling Dr. Davies how we had just felt Baby B kicking a few nights before for the first time and I mentioned how now I was wondering when we would feel Baby A, we knew it would take longer due to his plaenta being in the front. Yesterday when we got home from the doctor.....Baby A started kicking up a storm!!! What? HOW AWESOME! He was a little more faint, but definitley there! And, I knew it was Baby A due to the fact we had just been at the doctor for an ultrasound so they told us exactly how and where each of the babies was laying.....now, they go all the time! They are going to be athletic!! So, without any more rambling, you do know how I can get....here are the latest on the boys! Enjoy!

Twin A was told to be coming in at 1 lb 4 oz. The lab tech measured his femur and said, "Whoa....either that's a tall baby or I have my measurements wrong.....nope, it's a tall baby"! We once again saw all four of his heart chambers and just as Baby B was doing last time, Baby A was drinking this time. They were so kind as to make us a video clip of it. It's only 3 seconds long or so, so you may need to view it a couple of times, but you can see his tounge moving and see him swallowing. Baby A came in at the 56% percentile for a single baby.

Twin B was just hanging out. He was said to be coming in at 1 lb 6 oz. And measuring in the 80% percentile for a single baby.....once again, when we met with the doc he said, "they are both excellent size for single babies". I told him that wasn't the first time he had told us that!! They did say, whatever I was doing, to continue doing it! So far, I have gained 15 lbs. I think that for being in my 7th month, that's not too bad, but I know there is a way to go!

The last picture is my favorite.....it's a picture of Baby B from the back with his arm up by his head. I'm not sure why it's so endearing to me, but it is. These boys are already so special to us and so loved, we feel so blessed to be able to see them so often. We are getting really excited to meet them, and for all of you to meet them as well! Pregnancy may not be the "blast" that I thought it would be, but the fact that we've had an uncomplicated pregnancy (although a sympomatic one) is also a blessing. I promise to post belly photos later.....trust me.....I've gotten HUGE!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 19

I can't believe how big I am getting SO FAST!

We were back to the doctor today for our "BIG" anatomy scan.....everything is great! Both babies are doing really well. The heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach, brain, spinal cord, etc. checked out normal! Phew...I tell you, I may have been praying for one girl last time, but I've never prayed so hard as this morning when they were checking the boys over. They even checked the nose and lip to see about cleft lip....very through. On top of that, they are each tracking about 5 days ahead of schedule and are 49% and 51% in size - very good size for a single baby let alone twins they said :) Each weighs about 10 oz right now and they were unable to get a length at this point as they stop doing that around 13 weeks they said since they are so curled up right now. It was pretty exciting! The ultrasound tech really had a difficult time scanning each of the babies individually as they were SO CLOSE together. Then she showed us, she said, "look, Baby B's butt is on Baby's A's head"! I'm sure that'll be one we'll tell the boys all the time. I can just see it now, they roll their eyes at me and say, "Mooooom, you've told that story like 100 times"! Not much else happened, as John said, our visit with our doctor is always anti climatic.....we are really having a normal pregnancy. They said that my cervix looked good....it's "holding up" they said which is important with twins....when the cervix doesn't hold up is when the babies come early. Not that I'm a doctor, it's just what I kinda gathered. We did discuss my migraines as I am still getting them two times a week or more. Doc put me on Imitrex and wants me to try that as opposed to the narcotics they had been giving me. In my opinion....I don't much care WHAT I take (as long as it's okay for the babies of course) as long as it WORKS! So, we'll give that a shot! Next appointment will be the end of December. We'll have one more appointment in January and then beginning in February is when we will start going twice a month. The babies are moving around in there (nothing that I can feel yet) but they did say that as of right now, Baby A's head is in the downward position which is ideal for a vaginal birth. They said that can change of course, but I'm hopefully optimistic we'll be able to skip the c-section. Here are some pictures of the boys:

Twin B was actually drinking while we were looking at him....pretty neat!!