Welcome friends and family! This is our blog - to share with you our trials and tribulations - and - our joys - join us on our journey on what we are calling, "Operation Make Fallon Baby"!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

32 Weeks 4 days

Appointment yesterday morning!! It went very well. Not only did we get to see both the boys, but they also had a "clean bill of health". Baby A is at 4 lbs. 13 oz and Baby B is at 4 lbs. 11 oz. SO CLOSE to 5 each!! :) They have both been so extremely active the last couple weeks....I can hardly catch my breath after shoving one butt back into place, I have to shove the other back out of my rib cage. We were surprised to learn that Baby B is actually the "mover and shaker". We've been worried about him because I rarely feel him move, especially compared to A, but the ultrasound tech said, "oh no, he's the mover". So, it must just be the way he's positioned that I can't feel him as well. So we feel better.

Hum....what else? The visit with the doc went well. Davies was out this week so we saw Dr. Brost for the second time. I liked him much better this time than last. Must take me a little bit to warm up to people. They are all so impressed with how well the boys are growing. Took a lot for us to get pregnant, but boy, they all say I can sure "grow some babies". They said that A is still head down and that he's really low. Starting to make his descent I guess. B is still breech, which they aren't concerned about, but it does make things a little more complicated because now at this point, it's my decision whether or not to have a c-section or go naturally.......we'll see what they say next week. I guess I won't make any decisions until we get a little closer. Speaking of close....Dr. Brost thinks I could go in another 3 weeks. Again, only speaking in averages. He said it is extremely rare that they have to induce at 38 weeks.....well, looking back at my track record, that will most likely be me!! If that's the case, the babies will most likely be 7 1/2 lbs. each! If we go at 36, they'll be 6 1/2.

Couple other things.....he thinks my rash was not the PUPP but perhaps an allergic reaction to something. He said a. PUPP does NOT go away, which mine seems to have and b. PUPP typically isn't as severe as what I had.....the scars, scabs, and swelling I have/had. Lastly, we got our work restrictions. Yay! I will now be working from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. I am very much looking forward to that!!

And....we were lucky! Baby B FINALLY decided to cooperate....we have a new photo of him. We were so happy.....it's been a while since we've seen him :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 32

Crapola! 32 down, 6 left to go....although, I could have sworn it's been 6 weeks already for two weeks!! So, let's just say 5? LOL! Optimsitically speaking of course :)

Not a lot to report, since I did the mid-week "fill in". My work is throwing a baby shower for me over lunch this afternoon and John is driving into Rochester for it....I am so lucky to have met such kind and supportive people in this department. I am going to do absolutely everyting I can to hold a spot so that in a year or so, I'll be able to come back.

We started our prenatal classes on Tuesday. Not bad...not really much to talk about. We had a full group of couples. John and I of course had the earliest due date and were the only ones having multiples, so that shows you how far behind we were in planning classes!! I think the next closest due date to ours was two weeks behind us and the majority of them were into May. We told the instructor that we'd try to make it to all of them, but that it would be a toss-up. Tonight we have our "Magnificant Mulitples" class....we are really excited to learn some insider info on having multiples!

As I think about what I've already typed so far, it all sounds so familiar, I must have shared most of this information the other day, so I'll just stop now and post this weeks photos.....I seem to "pop" almost daily now!!

Bish and I went for pedicures on Monday. I did baby blue for when I have the boys :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

31 weeks 5 days

Hum....a mid week post? That is so unlike me? Nothing new to report, again, so unlike me. Just thought I would pop in and let everyone know that things have been going MUCH better! I still have the rash, but not nearly as bad as it was. And the itching really only acts up in the middle of the night! It must be a combination of the twice daily showers with the "old man soap", the twice daily dose of antihistamine, prescription topical ointment, and "good" lotion!! I think I'll have a few scars from the scabs that turned into sores, but after how I felt last week, I'll take it.

The boys have been SUPER active the past two weeks and I'm starting to feel a little blue thinking about after their born how I won't feel them all the time and have them "with me" at all times. Trying to explain this to John, I could just tell he couldn't understand. He said, "what do you mean? They'll be in the hospital room with us, or right down the hall in the nursery"....yes darling, my point exactly! They will no longer be "with me" at all times. After all this time we've had together, I know I'll really miss the bumps, kicks, rolls, and tugs... :(

We start our prenatal classes tonight (6 weeks of every Tuesday evening) and it'll be a toss up whether or not we make it through all of the classes before the boys come. I only hope they cover some of the important things in the beginning! This Thursday we are taking a Magnificent Multiples class, which we are super excited about. We are hoping we get some "tip and tricks" in regard to sleep schedules, likes, dislikes, etc. Grandma says that we'll just "learn". I told her I didn't want to learn the hard way if I didn't have to and she said, "you will". Thanks G'Ma!

Not a lot else right now. We'll be 32 weeks on Thursday and we head back to the doctor on Tuesday...I'll have a new weight report and baby placement update for you!