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Monday, July 26, 2010

Feels All Alone in Here

Where's "in here"? My head of course. Unfortunately, this is one of those things where people can't say, "I understand what you mean", or "here's my experience", or it would be nice to hear, "this is what you can expect next".....instead, I have these all consuming thoughts of what I (we) are going through and I just feel lost in my head. Yes, husbands are great, and yes, they sit and patiently watch as you give yourself your daily injections of "raging hormones" and in some cases, they help out and do the shots for you (thanks for the raging hormones). But, just kidding the other night after John asked how one of my more unpleasant shots went, I said, "I think you should take one of these syringes and inject something into yourself". Half kidding, but half serious too. Thanks honey for being so kind and understanding and patient, but "It" went as well as can be expected.

I guess that I feel a bit like an outcast. No one that I know (personally) has struggled with infertility, and have had to go down this long, involved, complicated, and emotional road. They don't know what questions to ask and they really can't relate as everyone I know has been able to conceive naturally, and in some cases, without trying. I am NOT going to begrudge any of my beloved friends or family, but sometimes, it was hard to sit by and watch them celebrate their joys while we struggled, but this is hard on an entirely different level.......

Hum.....need to do something to pull out of this "funk".....how about the 10 ten things to never tell a couple experiencing infertility?

1. You must be having lots of fun trying!
????? Really? Timed intercourse at certain times on certain days is fun?

2. I don't agree with artificial reproduction....if God wanted you to be a parent, it would have
happened naturally.
I'm glad you put your trust in God, but I think if he knew how you'd raise those naturally
conceived children, he wouldn't have given them to you.

3. So, what's the cause of infertility?
You tell me doc, you're the professional (no joke).

4. Have you thought of a surrogate?
Are you volunteering?

5. Have you read (insert book title)? I learned so much about my cycle.......
Girlfriend, I have an intimate relationship with my cycle (along with about 4 doctors who
regularly stick their heads up my "woo who") - ain't nothing a book is going to teach me.

6. Oh, so are you going to end up with like 8 babies?
Um, no. Where were you when we did 4 cycles of IUI? That's where multiples come from.
As Teresa would say (Desperate Housewives of New Jersey) "Pay Attention"!

7. I know of this one couple who.......
Yes, yes, I know.....your second cousins - first born child had a - neighbor who used to - work
with someone that - had a friend that..........

8. Have you thought about adoption?
Have YOU thought about adoption?

9. You're young yet!
Yes, and I'd like to get pregnant while I am "still young yet". Nothings a guarantee - we
aren't willing to waste another 5 years "waiting" for something to happen. We'd like to have
more than 1 child.

10. It will happen when you stop trying
If planning a wedding, selling a house, buying a house, hosting a Holiday, and taking two
vacations doesn't "take our mind off of it", please - pray tell - what will?

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