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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

32 Weeks 4 days

Appointment yesterday morning!! It went very well. Not only did we get to see both the boys, but they also had a "clean bill of health". Baby A is at 4 lbs. 13 oz and Baby B is at 4 lbs. 11 oz. SO CLOSE to 5 each!! :) They have both been so extremely active the last couple weeks....I can hardly catch my breath after shoving one butt back into place, I have to shove the other back out of my rib cage. We were surprised to learn that Baby B is actually the "mover and shaker". We've been worried about him because I rarely feel him move, especially compared to A, but the ultrasound tech said, "oh no, he's the mover". So, it must just be the way he's positioned that I can't feel him as well. So we feel better.

Hum....what else? The visit with the doc went well. Davies was out this week so we saw Dr. Brost for the second time. I liked him much better this time than last. Must take me a little bit to warm up to people. They are all so impressed with how well the boys are growing. Took a lot for us to get pregnant, but boy, they all say I can sure "grow some babies". They said that A is still head down and that he's really low. Starting to make his descent I guess. B is still breech, which they aren't concerned about, but it does make things a little more complicated because now at this point, it's my decision whether or not to have a c-section or go naturally.......we'll see what they say next week. I guess I won't make any decisions until we get a little closer. Speaking of close....Dr. Brost thinks I could go in another 3 weeks. Again, only speaking in averages. He said it is extremely rare that they have to induce at 38 weeks.....well, looking back at my track record, that will most likely be me!! If that's the case, the babies will most likely be 7 1/2 lbs. each! If we go at 36, they'll be 6 1/2.

Couple other things.....he thinks my rash was not the PUPP but perhaps an allergic reaction to something. He said a. PUPP does NOT go away, which mine seems to have and b. PUPP typically isn't as severe as what I had.....the scars, scabs, and swelling I have/had. Lastly, we got our work restrictions. Yay! I will now be working from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. I am very much looking forward to that!!

And....we were lucky! Baby B FINALLY decided to cooperate....we have a new photo of him. We were so happy.....it's been a while since we've seen him :)

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