Welcome friends and family! This is our blog - to share with you our trials and tribulations - and - our joys - join us on our journey on what we are calling, "Operation Make Fallon Baby"!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

32 Weeks 4 days

Appointment yesterday morning!! It went very well. Not only did we get to see both the boys, but they also had a "clean bill of health". Baby A is at 4 lbs. 13 oz and Baby B is at 4 lbs. 11 oz. SO CLOSE to 5 each!! :) They have both been so extremely active the last couple weeks....I can hardly catch my breath after shoving one butt back into place, I have to shove the other back out of my rib cage. We were surprised to learn that Baby B is actually the "mover and shaker". We've been worried about him because I rarely feel him move, especially compared to A, but the ultrasound tech said, "oh no, he's the mover". So, it must just be the way he's positioned that I can't feel him as well. So we feel better.

Hum....what else? The visit with the doc went well. Davies was out this week so we saw Dr. Brost for the second time. I liked him much better this time than last. Must take me a little bit to warm up to people. They are all so impressed with how well the boys are growing. Took a lot for us to get pregnant, but boy, they all say I can sure "grow some babies". They said that A is still head down and that he's really low. Starting to make his descent I guess. B is still breech, which they aren't concerned about, but it does make things a little more complicated because now at this point, it's my decision whether or not to have a c-section or go naturally.......we'll see what they say next week. I guess I won't make any decisions until we get a little closer. Speaking of close....Dr. Brost thinks I could go in another 3 weeks. Again, only speaking in averages. He said it is extremely rare that they have to induce at 38 weeks.....well, looking back at my track record, that will most likely be me!! If that's the case, the babies will most likely be 7 1/2 lbs. each! If we go at 36, they'll be 6 1/2.

Couple other things.....he thinks my rash was not the PUPP but perhaps an allergic reaction to something. He said a. PUPP does NOT go away, which mine seems to have and b. PUPP typically isn't as severe as what I had.....the scars, scabs, and swelling I have/had. Lastly, we got our work restrictions. Yay! I will now be working from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. I am very much looking forward to that!!

And....we were lucky! Baby B FINALLY decided to cooperate....we have a new photo of him. We were so happy.....it's been a while since we've seen him :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 32

Crapola! 32 down, 6 left to go....although, I could have sworn it's been 6 weeks already for two weeks!! So, let's just say 5? LOL! Optimsitically speaking of course :)

Not a lot to report, since I did the mid-week "fill in". My work is throwing a baby shower for me over lunch this afternoon and John is driving into Rochester for it....I am so lucky to have met such kind and supportive people in this department. I am going to do absolutely everyting I can to hold a spot so that in a year or so, I'll be able to come back.

We started our prenatal classes on Tuesday. Not bad...not really much to talk about. We had a full group of couples. John and I of course had the earliest due date and were the only ones having multiples, so that shows you how far behind we were in planning classes!! I think the next closest due date to ours was two weeks behind us and the majority of them were into May. We told the instructor that we'd try to make it to all of them, but that it would be a toss-up. Tonight we have our "Magnificant Mulitples" class....we are really excited to learn some insider info on having multiples!

As I think about what I've already typed so far, it all sounds so familiar, I must have shared most of this information the other day, so I'll just stop now and post this weeks photos.....I seem to "pop" almost daily now!!

Bish and I went for pedicures on Monday. I did baby blue for when I have the boys :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

31 weeks 5 days

Hum....a mid week post? That is so unlike me? Nothing new to report, again, so unlike me. Just thought I would pop in and let everyone know that things have been going MUCH better! I still have the rash, but not nearly as bad as it was. And the itching really only acts up in the middle of the night! It must be a combination of the twice daily showers with the "old man soap", the twice daily dose of antihistamine, prescription topical ointment, and "good" lotion!! I think I'll have a few scars from the scabs that turned into sores, but after how I felt last week, I'll take it.

The boys have been SUPER active the past two weeks and I'm starting to feel a little blue thinking about after their born how I won't feel them all the time and have them "with me" at all times. Trying to explain this to John, I could just tell he couldn't understand. He said, "what do you mean? They'll be in the hospital room with us, or right down the hall in the nursery"....yes darling, my point exactly! They will no longer be "with me" at all times. After all this time we've had together, I know I'll really miss the bumps, kicks, rolls, and tugs... :(

We start our prenatal classes tonight (6 weeks of every Tuesday evening) and it'll be a toss up whether or not we make it through all of the classes before the boys come. I only hope they cover some of the important things in the beginning! This Thursday we are taking a Magnificent Multiples class, which we are super excited about. We are hoping we get some "tip and tricks" in regard to sleep schedules, likes, dislikes, etc. Grandma says that we'll just "learn". I told her I didn't want to learn the hard way if I didn't have to and she said, "you will". Thanks G'Ma!

Not a lot else right now. We'll be 32 weeks on Thursday and we head back to the doctor on Tuesday...I'll have a new weight report and baby placement update for you!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 31

Getting there!! I have to say, I am starting to feel much better. Either it's the new ointment from the doctor, or it's the "old man soap" I've been using. The stuff is REALLY smelly (and actually, I think that's the cause of my recent "morning sickness"). Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap.....smelly!! But, the rash is clearing up and I had a couple of stretches last night where I slept for several hours in a row. I think I had an attack at 11 p.m., 4 a.m., and 6 a.m. So whatever I've been doing the last couple days, I'll continue doing.

Had a doctor appointment on Tuesday (after the embarrassing run in with my doc at the triage on Monday). They did an ultrasound and while we were unable to get any photos of the boys (there's just no room for them) we were able to get their measurments and growth ratios.

Baby A = 3 lbs. 11 oz 65% percentile
Baby B = 3 lbs. 10 oz 62% percentile

I told the doc that I was starting to get a little nervous about how BIG their heads are looking!! I guess they say it's not the head to worry about, but their shoulders...

He asked what my thoughts were on labor....what a loaded question right? I told him, "well, I'd rather it be sooner than later". And so we discussed time frame. He has said he won't let us go past 38 weeks, which will be April 15, which is a Friday. The "fine line" is that they only do inductions on Monday's. So I asked him if we'd be able to be induced on the 11th, or if he'd make us wait til the 18th. He said the 18th. I said, "COME ON!"......and then he said that he fully expects me to go on my own before then. So, it could be anytime from now until the 18th. 7 weeks tops (give a few days. Everyone is so concerned about us and what happens when the boys come, and how we are going to be sooo exhausted. I have to be honest, I love the boys sooo much already, and love feeling them move inside of me, and see their growth each time we go to the doctor, but honestly, they have sapped every bit of "life" out of me. Even the lady at the hair salon said that my hair, nails, and eye brows aren't growing like a normal prengant woman because the babies are taking so much from me. And the sleep issue, and the discomfort. I can't wait for the day that I have a little energy and ambition to make it through the days. I don't mind losing sleep at night to feed the babies....it'll beat losing sleep becuase of all these other issues I've been experiencing. We'll be just fine! (famous last words?)

Oh, and the other bit of good news is that Baby A has flipped back down! So, B is still breech and doc asked what my plans were for c-section, epidural, etc....I think he was asking what my preference would be and I of course was dying to say "c-section!!" but of course said, "let's go natural". I'm planning on having an epidural anyway so if he does have to "reach in and grab B's leg and pull him out"...well, I'm not going to feel it anyway! :)

That's about it for now.....I've attached the newest photos. As of Tuesday, I was still at 22 lbs. gained for the entire pregnancy. I dropped 6 lbs. from the week before. I thank my husband for giving me the nasty stomach bug (AGAIN).

John wanted a photo of me from the back, he says you can't even tell I'm pregnant!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Baby Shower!!

Here are some photos from my baby shower. Thanks to all for taking time out of their busy lives and quiet Sunday's to attend. A special thanks to the following ladies,

De Bleck, Biff, Susan, Katie Rotz, Josh and Emily Bishman, Stingy, and Ambie. If I've forgotten anyone, well then, I am an ass.

My wonderful husband and I

Stinger and I - she was my maid of honor

Biff and I....my unofficial sister-in-law and Drake's mommy

Biff and I going "toe to toe" or I guess, "belly to belly". She's due the end of May

Auntie Lisa and I, my unoffical Aunt, Godmother, and sometime house guest!

My cousin Becky and I - she is due the begining of July

Ambie and I!! LOOOOOONG time friend! She was my personal attendant

Mom, me and Susan. I think we took these same photos last year for her shower.

Mom and I

Mom, me, and Grandma. She said that in order to take any more photos, we'd have to contact her agent.....no lie~

The "Gappa" Women. Biff, Mom, Susan, Aunt Millie, Becky, Grandma, Paulette, and Krista

Drake, Charlotte, and Bish

Measure the belly. You wouldn't believe how big people thought I was! Only two were even a little close.

Drake, me, and Andy. Drake WANTED the piece of cheese Andy had....he was going in for it!! LOL

Uncle John and Drake

Uncle John and Andy

Aunt Lisa and Andy

Back to the "Power of Positive Thinking"

Let me start by saying, last night was MISERABLE!! Not only did the tips of my fingers itch, but in between my toes as well!! So, when I came in this morning, the ladies at work were like, "oh! You need to go in...that looks terrible!" Well, I should admit, I didn't need much prodding. I was already fairly confident that I didn't have the Cholestasis, but was hoping for some relief from the PUPP (yes, Dr. Fallon is in the house, self diagnosing again) LOL! So, off to Labor and Delivery Triage I went. I was a little embarrassed when the doctor finally came in to see me and it was "Norm" (our regular OB whom I am scheduled to see tomorrow anyway). Um....awkward, "Hey you! I know, just saw you last week about this, but it's worse". He let me know that the blood work results came back and that they were all normal (thank you God), but that it's most likely PUPP and aren't I scheduled to meet with him soon? Um...yeah, tomorrow.....so, yeah, a little embarrassing that I couldn't hold off one more day...but I was really hoping for a steroid or a cream or something....what I got was typical "Norm" nonchalance fashion of, "well, there's nothing to be done for it and it won't go away until after delivery". Yep, just what I was afraid of. So, they told me to get dressed and head out. So, after much itching of my arms, legs, boobs, and butt, I dressed myself and schlepped back to my office. I will admit, I had tears in my eyes thinking of how uncomfortable the next 8 weeks will be. But, then, in typical "Beth" fashion, I snapped out of it and thought, "the boys are healthy, they had them hooked up to the monitors, I get to see them tomorrow and I need to start thinking positive again". When I worked at McNeilus, I sat next to this guy who thought I was just crazy because I always "rounded up" on the clock when it came to the time. Like, I would look at the clock at 2:10 in the afternoon and declare that it was 2:30. After a while he asked me if I had trouble telling time and I just said, "no, just trying to make the time go by faster. I am thinking optimistically". So, bringing back that mentality, even though we just turned 30 weeks on Friday and we essentially have 8 weeks left, I am going to start using "Beth Time" again. So, instead of 30 weeks, I will say we are 31 and that we have 7 weeks left. At the end of the week, that will actually be true, but in my mind, it's accurate as of right now!! :)

So, I'll just sleep when I can and if I'm awake at night, so be it. John's traveling until Wednesday anyway so it's not like I have a lot to stay up for when I get home after work anyway. We'll beat this.....we've beat everything else thus far! Hopefully I'll have more baby pictures tomorrow from the appointment. Stinger is going to accompany me as John is traveling. I am hoping to have the boys during a time frame which she is around. I would love to have her at the hospital with me. She's a good source of calming energy for me and I think she'll be good companionship for John. She unfortunately has a trip to Vegas planned in March and a trip to FL planned for the beginning of April.

As usual, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 30

I haven't given much of an update lately....we've been really busy!! We had our shower (Big shower) last weekend and our "Aunt and Uncle" from Las Vegas staying with us through Wednesday. It kept us extremely busy. On top of that, I've developed a rash that started on my belly and has now spread to my arms and legs. I've been to the doctor for it twice and have called into triage about it once. The first doctor (who is not our regular doctor) said to "use a VERY good lotion" (one of which he could not recommend) and to take "lots of cold showers". Well, that didn't work. I went back a week later and saw our regular OB doc and he was a bit more concerned. He kept asking if I was feeling the babies moving okay (what is okay in a senario like that?!) and sent me for bloodwork to test for something called "Cholestasis of Pregnancy". I really didn't think anything of it, just thought, "oh, if I have it, hopefully they'll give me a pill and it'll go away". Well, then he proceeds to tell me, "let's hope its not that. If it is, it carries a high percentage rate of still born deaths". So, now I am officially worried! The test takes about a week to run, and they had to mail it off to California....I know, the Mayo Clinic had to outsource blood work?! The more research I've done, I'm convinced it's something called, "P.U.P.P" which basically starts as a rash on the stretch marks (and we all know I have plenty of those) and moves to the arms and legs. Good news, no adverse affects on mom and baby (Babies) but it lasts on average 6 weeks, or just after birth. Not sure how I'll be able to handle 8 more weeks of the extreme itching 24 hours a day!! The boys have been rolling around quite a bit, so I feel reassured that they are doing well. Even if I have this "Cholestasis", the doctor said that I would be monitored heavily. Twice I week I would be hooked up to fetal monitors. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday (regularly scheduled) so it will be nice to get a peak at the boys, make sure they are doing well,and get the results of the blood test back. On top of that, I also had another round with the stomach bug. He and I are really going to have it out one of these days! I don't know what's worse, having the flu several times throughout the pregnancy, or actually being allergic to being pregnant?!

Besides all of that "junk", things are good. I MUST get photos up of the baby shower, and of the nursery (thanks to my mom we got it all squared away). I am as usual, so thankful for all my wonderful friends and family that came together to help put on a great gathering to welcome our little boys into the family. They are already loved by so, so many people!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 29

9 Weeks to go. Hopefully 6 or 7, but at least its not 11!! I feel that I double in size daily, but I'm still just held to 24 lbs. gained so far. It's really not a lot when you think about being almost 8 months pregnant with twins, but when its ALL in one place (stomach) it gets kind of hard to carry it around.

We had another good doctor visit on Tuesday. The boys have continued to grow. Although, they haven't gained as much as I thought they would have (only because of how much bigger I feel I've gotten) they are still 3 lbs. a piece....or at least they probably are today. On Tuesday they were 2 lbs. 15 oz and 2 lbs. 14 oz. So, right now, we have 6 lbs. of baby in us!! I had a lot of questions for the doctor (who was not our usual doctor) and he didn't want to seem to answer them. Only because I think he felt I was putting the cart in front of the horse. I wanted him to tell me when I could expect to have the babies, when I should start seeing my cervix soften, how big the babies might be.....he was very elusive but told me that we are, "on schedule to have normal size babies"....um, okay, what's that? 6 or 7 lbs.? He said, "let's just say 22. How do you like that"? So, I am assuming the boys will be 6 or 7. As far as how they looked, their little hearts were just beating away and while Baby B was STILL hiding (while Baby A was sprawled throughout my entire tummy) they were able to get a photo of the boys with their chests side by side with their hearts beating right next to each other. It was really special. So, this past week, I've felt so much more activity on the left side of my tummy, thinking, "oh, we'll get a great photo of Baby B....he's really rocking out lately". (that and I told everyone last week how he was a "complete animal"). Imagine my surprise when they tell us that he's still in his little ball and that Baby A was "in his space". I happened to call Baby A a bully for taking all of his brothers space and the ultrasound lady says, "well, I wouldn't necessarily say that Baby A is a bully, Baby B keeps punching him in the face"!!! Oh my.....they are at it already! But, they are keeping up with the personalities that we've identified. Baby A just is who he is and is a rebel, while Baby B is timid and sneaky!! :) In other "baby health news" we did find out that both of the boys are now breech, which was surprising since A (the most important Twin to be head down) has always been head down prior to this. The doctor did say that he still has time to turn back and that we'll have more of an indication around 32 weeks or so (after that they run out of room), but if he doesn't, plain and simple, he said we'll have to have a c-section. And, I had my glucose and blood tested on Monday and I passed with flying colors!! Once again, indications that we've had such a blessed pregnancy!

John's done some really good work on the nursery and it's really starting to look fab! I'm so proud of him and I'm sure if you were to ask, he'd say he's proud of himself. It took some arranging and rearranging, but I think we finally have the furniture the best way to maximize the space in the room. I'll get some pictures up once we get it cleaned up a bit. We've been sorting and washing baby clothes and they are all over the place!! I've had to enlist the help of a couple of girlfriends to ask, "what is all this 'stuff'"? and "what do babies wear"? I think we have it figured out now.

As far as myself, I'm still feeling pretty good. I've been a little queasy in the mornings and just this morning I actually threw up (leave it to me to get morning sickness in the third trimester) and I've had a couple of really bad headaches again, but all in all, I feel okay. Just tired. I am really trying to make it to 32 weeks full time and then maybe work half days, but I will probably only make it to 31 weeks. Ultimately, I am no good at work anyway so no need to drag it out.

I am having my family shower this weekend on Sunday and my "Auntie" Lisa and Joe are coming into town tomorrow night and are going to stay with us while they make the rounds to all of Lisa's family that's still in Minnesota. It'll be a REALLY busy weekend, but will be a lot of fun as well.

Well, I seem to be awfully wordy today for actually having nothing to say!! I don't have any baby photos this week as their machine wasn't working so they couldn't transfer them onto the disk, that and since B was still hiding, I can't really justify posting even more of A..... so, all you get this week is more belly photos...

And....once again, Champy made a photo....SURPRISE!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 28 Photos

Yikes!! Even now, as I type this and look again at the photos of 28 weeks, I am almost spurred to tears. I know I gave this whole spiel about positive thinking, and I really meant it, really I did, but do you ever find yourself in a situation where you've been fooling yourself about something for so long (I think it's called denial), or you haven't really paid that much attention to something (neglect) so that when you do, you are in shock? Welcome to week 28 for me. I had NO IDEA I looked like this!!! And on top of it, I can't BELIEVE I have 10 more weeks to grow, I mean, go. We have an appointment today, I am very interested in seeing how big the boys have gotten. According to all the information I've read, it says that the babies should be curled up at all times now, with their knees against their chests, due to lack of space. I can tell you, this hasn't happened for the Fallon Boys yet (once again, doing things on their own schedule). I can feel them both down low and up in the ribs, they seem to be all stretched out still. This week, Baby B has been a complete animal....he's kicking, turning, grabbing, and pulling. Our rock star, Baby A has taken a page out of his brothers book and has been laying low. I'm interested to see if maybe he's turned so that his back is against my belly and he really has no room to kick. Since I've gotten so big, when I sit down, my belly rests (actually crushes is more like it) against my thighs and when the boys move down low, I can feel it through my tummy and onto my legs....that is bizarre!!

I'm hesitant to show these pictures, but to not share would just be vain, so, like it or not (please divert your eyes if needed LOL) here are our 28 week photos.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby Shower - Hosted by Emily Bishman :)

A fun and funky baby shower hosted by Emily Bishman. The theme (if you couldn't tell) was Dr. Seuss!! The guests of honor.....Thing 1 and Thing 2! Genius! A great time was had by all and the boys made out like bandits! I cannot even tell you how special and amazing it is to have such caring and giving friends.

27 week photo

My oldest and dearest friend Brandi

My new colleagues Diane and Emmy....they've come to be very special to me

Christi and Sandy

Terri and Brianna

Me and the "hostess with the mostest" Emily

The "gang" from Siebens 9 (minus Terri) Sandy, Christi, Barb, and Jen - I am proud to say that the boys will get to know each of these ladies very well!

Terry Markham and I. Our husbands work together at McNeilus. She was due just days after this photo was taken. One more in our "group" Steph Barnes is also due in the Spring. Lots and lots of babies!

Me and my extra rounded face......

Party decor! Have I mentioned how creative and fabulous Emily is???