Welcome friends and family! This is our blog - to share with you our trials and tribulations - and - our joys - join us on our journey on what we are calling, "Operation Make Fallon Baby"!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

15 Weeks

Wow.....15 weeks already!!!! That seems almost impossible. We are almost half way through. Well, halfway through to our "modified" due date. We have an appointment tomorrow and we are really excited! We are hoping that since our doctor does an ultrasound every time we go, that we may be able to find out tomorrow what the babies are!! As you all have probably read on Facebook, our cribs have been ordered, sent, and delivered and are sitting in the nursery awaiting assembly. We also got a changing table/dresser too.....a lot of furniture for one little room......our fertility doctor checked up on us yesterday and as I told her, it all seems so surreal - like the stork still brings the babies! :) I am sure once they start moving around it will all seem a bit more real. I can't wait!!

So, what's been going on in the past few weeks? Well, my morning sickness has subsided a bit only in the last week. Last Monday and Tuesday I was so incredibly sick that I ended up calling the nurse line on Tuesday morning as I was worried that I'd not been able to keep any fluids or food down. I am not usually a nervous nelly in general, but I was starting to worry about the babies. So, our dietitian appointment was canceled on Tuesday and I was told to head to OB Triage. That's where I spent the day. My husband, my loving and wonderful husband spent the day with me as I lay on the hospital bed feeling like a kicked dogs as they gave me some IV fluids and some anti nausea medication. We did at one point say that it was kind of good that this happened......we got the "lay of the land" and now know a little bit more about where to go on "that day". I haven't been sick since last Tuesday, have felt a little queasy almost every day, but thankfully everything has stayed down. I have a "war wound" to show for my bravery....or lack thereof!

What else? Hum....not much. Looking forward to our doctor appointment tomorrow. Oh! Also!! Depending on how John's health insurance matches up to mine....cost, deductible, coverage, etc. I may be staying home with the babies. If we send them to day care....either full time, part time whatever......I will not make enough in a year to cover what it costs to send them to daycare. And I'm not really comfortable sending them to a stay at home mom.....for that, I could do it myself. And it's been hard to find in-home day cares that will take two infants at one time. So this week that has been our "discussions".

Stay tuned! I'll upload new pictures (sonograms) tomorrow.....although if we find out what we are having tomorrow, you'll probably know WELL before this gets updated!

Thanks all for your continued kind words and friendship. I don't know what I would do without you!

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