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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Big appointment tomorrow!

Well, tomorrow is our 1/2 day IVF orientation....and really, I haven't stopped long enough to think about it and go, "WOW!! We are doing invitro"! So, it's pretty overwhelming, and it just seems like everythings been progressive up to this point. Always one more shot, one more doctor appointment, one more procedure, one more negative test, one more cycle, one more new treatment.....for over 12 months now. I am fairly confident in saying that we aren't "jumping the gun" by doing IVF...but there's always that part of me that's thinking, "maybe the next time would have worked". The irrational part of me says that.

So, needless to say, anyone who knows me well, knows that I've spent countless hours on the computer doing research. I've looked at everything from how the procedure works, to looking up sample calendars, to reading through other peoples journey with infertility and treatments eventually leading to IVF. It's been reassuring, but at the same time, I also know I need to remain objective and remember that it may not work the first time. We are praying that we get a good number of eggs and that a fair amount make it to the Blastocyst stage so we have options for our future.

So, by big appointment tomorrow I mean that we are going to be getting our COMPLETE IVF calendar! That means we'll know when we start shots, what day for what shots, how many shots per day, what days to go in for ultrasounds and bloodwork, what day to go in for egg retrieval, and ultimately, what day our transfer will take place. We should know tomorrow what date to look toward to take our test to find out once again, "if it worked".

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