Welcome friends and family! This is our blog - to share with you our trials and tribulations - and - our joys - join us on our journey on what we are calling, "Operation Make Fallon Baby"!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Something Fun~

As I've said before, if you know me, you know that I am a master googler....and I look EVERYTHING up. What I've learned about infertility is astounding and I thought I'd give you a little peek into the world of infertility!! As you can see, this was a HUGE learning experience for me when I first started to do my research. At least I use real words and terms to explain what's going on.....some of these other ladies are just plain CRAZY....read on.

The last year of our life - infertility speaking :)
Me: Perfect
DH: Perfect
2 Furbabies - Zoe and Champ
TTC: > 1year

We first met our RE in June of last year. They recommended Clomid for 3 - 4 cycles beginning on CD 5 - 9. This was the only medication I had SA from, major HF. We were then told to do BD when the OPK told us we were O. During all three cycles I didn't have to POAS because AF came. Once we moved on to IUI we were still doing the Clomid and we added on a couple of shots - and after eachIUI procedure, we were faced with the TWW which was pretty much hell. This time I was actualy able to POAS a couple of times, but got BFN and AF came shortly after that. Now we've moved on to IVF and things are 100X more involved/invasive/confusing than anything we had done before. We've finally finished with all of our injections (or will tonight - we take our HCG trigger tonight) and we will have our ER on Thursday with our ET on either Saturday or Tuesday. Then, we have to go through the TWW again (suck) and then we'll actually have a BT (I highly doubt I will be able to abstain from POAS though) as a PT this time. We are praying for a BFP - so please send some Baby Dust this way!!

DH: Dear Husband
Furbabies: Pets
TTC: Trying to Concieve
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
CD: Cycle Day
SA: Side Affect
HF: Hot Flash
BD: Baby Dance (sex)
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
O: Ovulating
POAS: Pee on a Stick (pregnancy test)
BFN: Big Fat Negative
AF: Aunt Flow (monthly cycle)
IUI: Interuterine Insemination (placing sperm into the fallopian tube - to "help" it along)
TWW: Two Week Wait (amount of time before pregnancy test would work)
HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (will tell my body to release eggs made)
IVF: Invitro Fertilization (Fertilizing an egg with sperm and replacing an embryo into the womb)
ER: Egg Retrieval
ET: Embryo Transfer
BT: Beta/Blood Test
PT: Pregnancy Test
BFP: Big Fat Positive
Baby Dust: Thoughts and Prayers
Follicles - fluid which contain eggs (not all follicles contain eggs)

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